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    What Does It Mean to Be a Smart Building?

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  • What Does It Mean to Be a Smart Building?
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Smart Building?

    With technology on the rise, it is only natural a building’s design and functionality follows the trends of our age. Innovations in the digital world bring an elevated form of automation to modern buildings. A ‘smart’ building, or a building that uses ‘intelligent’ features, operates as more than just a structure that has automated light switches.

    This tech-centric building model uses various digital systems throughout the structure to communicate with each other in order to optimize performance. A smart building is founded on the streamlined communication of data and interactions of each intelligent feature. In a way, it is a true ecosystem. Some of these features can include security and access control, fire detection and alarms, HVAC maintenance services, lighting control, smoke control, water management, environmental control, or indoor air quality services. The possibilities are limitless.

    Each individual system within the smart building needs to work properly to ensure the structure’s overall functionality is healthy and in sync. An ideal version of the smart building expects the features to run self-sufficiently, without constant human interference. That way, building operators will be able to better utilize staff members for urgent, high-performance tasks. If executed correctly, streamlined building automation eliminates wasteful energy usage that costs building operators thousands of dollars a year.

    How can one ensure a smart building communicates harmoniously to achieve these goals? A clear connection. Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity are key to maintaining a smart building’s running ecosystem. Most, if not all, of a smart building’s automated features can be managed through a mobile device. Refining connectivity within the building and for mobile users will optimize overall system communication. According to Connected Real Estate Magazine, “To accomplish this, the appropriate infrastructure must first be in place to make reliable 3G, 4G, and eventually 5G coverage a possibility.”

    Today, the new smart building model requires building owners and IT managers take the lead in buying and deploying in-building wireless solutions. Critical components to fulfill a smart building’s needs include IoT (The Internet of Things), GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Networks), optimized Wi-Fi capabilities, public safety DAS, digital signage, etc. Building operators can partner with experts in connectivity to properly execute these functions.

    Trust a local wireless solutions team, like RF Freqs, to implement streamlined connectivity throughout your smart building. RF Freqs was founded to meet the needs of wireless service providers, enterprises and the community with a vision of an interconnected world. Contact RF Freqs today to ensure your smart building’s infrastructure is well-planned and executed flawlessly.

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